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Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Stunning Events Of The Massachusettes Special Election

By TheSageOfTheWabash

Now the hard work begins.

Yesterday the people of Massachusetts gave voice to what independent voters all over the country have been trying to tell the present majority in Washington D.C.

What began with a movement by the "Tea Party Patriots", and grew into political action with the campaign of Scott Brown, has resulted in one of the most stunning special elections in modern history.

What has to happen now of course, is for the conservatives to capitalise and expand on the gains of this past years efforts.

Conservatives must build new alliances and rebuild old ones.
Democrats who in the past have had a moderate voting record, sometimes called "Blue Dogs", will now feel more comfortable opposing the President's progressive, radical agenda on all issues, not just health care.

Others. such as our own Senator Evan Bayh, who voted with Ted Kennedy as much as any liberal, will now see that his own place in the senate is not assured. if a conservative openly running against the entire liberal agenda, can capture one of the most historically liberal seats in the senate, then given a worthy opponent, they are all vulnerable.

Now is the time for many moderate Democrats like my Senator Bayh to realise that the party has left them. The David Obies, Nancy Pelosies, Harry Reeds and other more socially radical darlings of moveon.org have wrenched control of the traditional democrat party from the nation itself.

Some of the more moderate Democrats will defect, in fact one already has as I write this. Undoubtedly more will simply come to their collective senses and refuse to play ball with the radical power brokers.

When they do repent so to speak the conservative had better be waiting with open arms or the congressional gridlock could continue for years to come

Not only are the Republicans Stronger, the Democrats are weaker.
The Democrats are weaker, not just because the Republicans have captured some of their strength in the form of popular support but because of a long series of mistakes and missteps by the President. In the past year the President has appeared in three different states in an effort to help the Democrat candidate campaign. All three times that candidate was rejected. He made a failed effort to influence the International Olympic Committee in the selection of Chicago as the site of the 2016 Summer Games. in fact, Chicago was rejected in the first round. The President awkwardly injected himself into the dust up between the cop and the college professor, making himself look foolish.

Add to these failures by President Obama, the paranoid feeling by many members of the legislative branch that they have been had, that the president has led them over a cliff. Now with the House and Senate leadership with egg on their faces and at least Harry Reed is facing defeat. The individual members are left with no one to rally behind. They must drag themselves home and try to rebuild grassroots support before the next election. I am sure that this will prove a daunting task for many.

Even with all of the damage that has been done to Democrats
the work ahead for their opposition will be difficult and continuing long past the 2010 elections. The president's oratory is powerful. He alone will be able to spin these failures to the advantage of his purpose because his true believers will accept any excuses he offers. As evidence of this I give you his appearance on George Stephanopoulos' program Wednesday after the election. He explained to the interviewer Stephanopoulos, that anger over George W. Bush was what made voters choose the Republican Scott Brown instead of the Democrat Martha Coakley.? Why does he say such ridicules things? Because he knows his followers will believe anything.

Also, the memory of the electorate is short. By the time that some of these Senators come up for reelection 2014 these resent events won't even be a blip on the radar screen. I must also add that the Republicans are a rather feckless bunch themselves. They had what looked like a straggle hold on power after the 1994 election and their "Contract With America". They managed to loose that ,regain it and loose it again because of greed and corruption. That is one of the reasons that the Republican leadership would like to cooped the Tea Party Patriots into the Republican party.

One thing for sure it won't be boring
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